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Complete list of all basic HTML Tags

If you are looking for a list of cool HTML tags to pimp your web site, you're at the right place. HTML tutorial table provides a vast variety of tags, codes and tips to improve your understanding how the Web is created.

HTML tag codes are case-insensitive. The following HTML chart is created to help you to build your own HTML web application, website or blog. At this HTML tags - HTML Codes reference table you could find most requested tags, and elements. Pay attention that not all browsers do support some of the HTML tags.

HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language", the markup language for Web pages. HTML file is written in the form of tags. Web page files have .html or .htm filename extensions.

Usually each HTML element has an opening tag <a> and a closing tag </a>, while some elements don't have to have a closing tag, such as Line Break tag <br> (*XHTML written sites should use <br /> tag instead).

Note: Preview a list of HTML Tutorials and Coding Tips for the assistance to your quest.

Tags Description • Meaning • Definition
<optgroup> OPTGROUP tag creates an option drop-down group menu.

  <optgroup label="Fruits">
    <option value ="banana">Banana</option>
    <option value ="pineapple">Pineapple</option>
  <optgroup label="Vegetables">
    <option value ="tomato">Tomato</option>
    <option value ="potato">Potato</option>

<option> OPTION tag creates a drop-down menu. OPTION tag works only in conjunction with a SELECT tag.

    <option value ="beginner" selected="selected">Beginner</option>
    <option value ="intermediate">Intermediate</option>
    <option value ="advanced">Advanced</option>

<ol> OL tags define an ordered list of items.


  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Blue
<p> <P> tag is specifying a paragraph and creates a new line.

<h4>Header 4</h4>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<pre> PRE tag is specifing a preformatted text. This tag does,t let the browsers to eliminate "white spaces" in the text.

City		London		Cool
City		Paris		Awesome
City		New York	Great


City London Cool City Paris Awesome City New York Great
<q> <Q> tag is specifing short quotations. The function is similar to <blockquote> tag except that <Q> tag doesn't break lines of the text.

<q>I'll be back</q> - is a popular phrase associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
<s> <S> tag produces a strike throughout a text. <S> tag is depreciated and is not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD, therefore it's recommended to use DEL tag instead.

Strike through <s>the following text.</s>
<samp> SAMP tag is specifing a fixed-width font.

Compare for yourself - 1 <samp>Compare for yourself - 2<samp>
<script> SCRIPT tags define scripts within a web page and let the web browsers know that it's not an HTML section. You can place a <SCRIPT> tag anywhere within HTML, but the best practice is to place it between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags.

    <script src="javascript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        document.write("This is a script tag placement tutorial.")

<select> SELECT tag creates a menu on a form.

    <option value ="planes" selected="selected">Planes</option>
    <option value ="trains">Trains</option>
    <option value ="automobiles">Automobiles</option>

<small> SMALL tag creates a small text.

Compare normal text in relationship to <small>small text</small>
<span> SPAN tag is specifying a section of a document.

    <p>Cats and Dogs <span style="color:blue;">are our friends.</span></p>
<strike> STRIKE tag creates a strike through words or text. Strike tag is depreciated and is not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD, therefore it's recommended to use DEL tag instead.

<strike>striking through</strike>
<strong> STRONG tag is specifying a strong text.

    <p>Weightlifters are <strong>strong people.</strong></p>
<style> STYLE tag specifies a link and location to a style sheet, and gives a command to browsers regarding to a layout for a web page. Please find; First bold line is an External Style, and the next bold lines are for the Internal Style web page presentation.

    <title>HTML Tags - Head Tag</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />

    <style type="text/css">
        h1{text-align: center; font-style: italic}

<sub> SUB tag is defining a subscripted text.

SUB tag is creating <sub>a subscripted text.</sub>
<sup> SUP tag is defining a superscripted text.

SUP tag is creating <sup>a superscripted text.</sup>
<table> TABLE tag is defining a table.

    <td>First Cell</td>
    <td>Second Cell</td>
<td> TD tag creates a data cell.

    <td>First Data Cell</td>
    <td>Second Data Cell</td>
<th> TH tag creates a header cell.

    <th colspan="2">My Shopping List</th>
<tr> TR tag creates a row in a table.

    <td>Data Cell 1</td>
    <td>Data Cell 2</td>
<tbody> TBODY tag creates a table body.

      <td colspan="2">>Header - Complete List of Basic HTML Tags</td>
      <td colspan="2">>Footer - Created by</td>
<textarea> TEXTAREA tag creates a text area.

<textarea rows="4" cols="30">
  Place you text in here...

<tfoot> TFOOT tag creates a table footer.

      <td colspan="2">>Header - HTML Tags List</td>
      <td>HTML Tags</td>
      <td>HTML Attributes</td>
      <td colspan="2">>Footer - Copyright ©</td>
<thead> THEAD tag creates a table header.

      <td colspan="2">>Header text place here.</td>
      <td>Element - 1</td>
      <td>Element - 2</td>
      <td colspan="2">>Footer notes put here.</td>
<title> TITLE tag declares a title of an HTML document.

    <title>Brief description of the web page.</title>
<tt> TT tag creates a teletype text.

This is a default font of the text, <tt>but this is a teletype font.</tt>
<u> U tag makes an underlined text.

This text has the <u>underlined words.</u>
<ul> UL tags define an unordered list of items.


  • Code
  • Script
  • Tag
<var> VAR tag indicates a variable parameter.

This is a <var>variable parameter<var> of the sentence.

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